142 research outputs found

    Factores relevantes en la medición de la pobreza y el desarrollo humano : índices PNUD

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    Este artículo analiza la relación entre los índices de pobreza y desarrollo humano elaborados por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y las variables utilizadas en su cálculo. En el análisis se observa una redundancia de los índices cuando se utiliza una muestra de 93 países con desarrollo humano alto, medio y bajo. En esta situación, se verifica la relevancia de los factores de educación y salud en la explicación de la variabilidad de los datos. Sin embargo, la utilización de submuestras cambia la importancia, tanto de los factores que explican conjuntamente los índices como de la correlación entre éstos, aunque se mantiene la preponderancia de los factores sociales. Se plantean pues las preguntas: ¿debe primar una descripción detallada que justifique la existencia de ambos índices? O en cambio: ¿Debemos resumirlos y centrar la atención (y acción) en los factores más relevantes? En este trabajo se aboga por la segunda opción. ____________________________________________This paper analyzes the relation between the indexes of poverty and human development made by PNUD and the variables used in its calculation. A redundancy of the indexes is visible when a sample of 93 countries with human development high, medium and low is used. In this case, the relevancy of the social factors (education and health) is significant for explanation of the total variability of the information; although the use of sub samples changes the importance of the factors that explain the indexes and the interrelation between them. So, the following questions come up: Does one have to give priority to a detailed description that justifies the existence of both indexes? Or, on the other hand: must we summarize and focus the attention (and action) on the most relevant factors? I agree with the second option

    The competitiveness of Spanish tomato export in the European Union

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    This paper examines the export performance of Spanish tomatoes in the European Union (EU). The origins and destinations of Spanish tomato exports are examined: Almeria is the main exporting province and Germany the biggest client. The performance of Spain’s North African competitors in the tomato market (mainly Morocco) is also examined, and the structural competitiveness of the countries that export tomatoes to the EU is analysed. Spain has the greatest advantage in this respect, and the largest inter-industry trade. An export model is developed. This model shows that the export of tomatoes from Almeria is not much influenced by shipments from Morocco.trade, price, competition, cointegration, Almería, strategy

    Cooperative Longevity and Sustainable Development in a Family Farming System

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    This paper focuses on small holding, family farming in Southeast Spain where agricultural economic activity is predominantly organized around cooperative business models. A variety of diverse studies on the Almería agricultural and credit cooperative sector and the exploration of social-economic and eco-social indicators, in addition to economic-market indicators are presented. Each correspond to a cooperative “logic” that spans theoretical perspectives from the dominant economic-market model, new institutionalism, and an eco-social approach, echoing theories on collective coordination governance, and the avoidance of the “tragedy of the commons”. The latter is of particular importance given environmental challenges and scarce resources for agricultural activity. The cooperatives in Almería have increasingly relied on collective collaboration and coordination in order to meet social-economic and social-ecological challenges, transforming their role from that founded on a market dominant logic to that of cooperation as a coordination mechanism based on the mutual benefit of the community and environment. In turn, their ability to meet a wide range of needs and challenges of members and the community leads to their longevity. Cooperatives are able to act as both a market and non-market coordination mechanism, balancing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions, such that neither market nor non-market logics are dominant or exclusive

    Is Sustainability Compatible with Profitability? An Empirical Analysis on Family Farming Activity

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    Sustainability is a social concern and a new strategic factor for productive and economic viability. Nevertheless, research on this subject in a holistic approach is limited, and even to a lesser extent when dealing with family farms. This paper analyzes the impact of different aspects of sustainability (socio-economic characteristics, environmentally respectful practices, and innovation) on profitability. The data collection instruments include a survey questionnaire on farming in Almería, a province in Southeast Spain, and the methodology followed involves a two-step regression model. The main results show how several socio-economic and environmental-innovation features of family farms have positive effects on their economic performance. Among others, profitability increases when there are better educated and younger family farm decision-makers; the farm is specialized and supported by more efficient cooperatives: and, particularly, when the family farm displays greater concern for environmental practices and better disposition towards agroecological innovation

    Programación de la comercialización mensual agraria: El caso de los cultivos hortícolas en la provincia de Almería

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    [EN] This article analyses the programming of farm production, understood not only as the choice among several crops but also as their temporal distribution. First the programming of the production for an individual company is studied, where its decisions do not affect equilibrium market prices: in this case we use a Markowitz model adapted to the temporal programming of the commercialization. Secondly, the sales arrangements for an operator with capacity, given its trading volume, to alter the market equilibrium will be analyzed: in this case we propose a model which maximises monthly incomes and margins.[ES] Este artículo trata sobre la programación de la producción agraria, entendida no sólo como la selección entre varios cultivos sino, también, como la distribución temporal de los mismos. Primero se estudia la programación de la producción para una empresa, donde sus decisiones no afectan a los de equilibrio en el mercado: en este caso se propone la utilización de un modelo de Markowitz adaptado a la programación temporal de la comercialización. Posteriormente, se analiza la ordenación de la venta para un operador que tuviese capacidad, por su volumen de comercialización, de alterar el equilibrio de mercado: en este caso se propone la utilización de un modelo de maximización mensual de ingresos y márgenes.Se agradecen los valiosos comentarios realizados por los evaluadores anónimos.Este artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación PROFIT “Coordinación en tiempo real entre empresas del sector productor comercializador hortícola de la provincia de Almería” financiado por el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio.Pérez-Mesa, JC. (2011). Programming the monthly agricultural marketing: The case of Almeria (Spain) horticultural crops. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 8(1):21-35. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2008.01.0221358

    Determinants of Food Safety Level in Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers’ Supply Chain: Evidence from Spain and France

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    Food safety management in short supply chains of fruit and vegetables, controlled by large retailers, has been widely studied in the literature. However, when it comes to traditional long supply chains, which include a greater number of intermediaries and wholesalers who, in some cases, play a dual role as resellers and producers, the mechanisms which promote the use of safety certifications have yet to be clearly defined. The present study intended to fill this gap in the literature and shed light on the food safety level that exists in this channel. In addition, this work attempted to identify the existence of differences between both sales systems. For this purpose, the empirical research studied the most important variables that influence the food safety level of some of the main European fruit and vegetable wholesalers. A survey was thus designed and later applied to Spanish and French intermediaries working in key wholesale markets and in the southeast of Spain, which is the leading commercialization area of these products in Europe. The results revealed the positive influence of specific customers (big retailers) on establishing stricter safety controls within wholesale companies. It was also observed that specific wholesalers also play an important role in the system, namely those dedicated to importing, but which are also responsible for quality and safety inspection of agri-food products exported from third countries into the European Union

    Una descripción general del crecimiento económico en el África Subsahariana

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    Este artículo trata de servir de introducción a la situación de los países del área sub-sahariana que se caracterizan por tener el menor crecimiento económico y la más baja productividad mundial. En este contexto se analizan cuáles son las principales causas del atraso y se esbozan las soluciones más urgentes, que pasan, entre otras, por: i) el aumento de la inversión extranjera que será posible siempre que se mejoren las garantías de funcionamiento de las instituciones; y ii) el aumento del comercio intra-regional. También se realiza un análisis de correlación entre nivel económico, desarrollo humano y pobrezapobreza, crecimiento, comercio, cluster.

    Policy and Environmental Implications of Photovoltaic Systems in Farming in Southeast Spain: Can Greenhouses Reduce the Greenhouse Effect?

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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have grown in popularity in the farming sector, primarily because land area and farm structures themselves, such as greenhouses, can be exploited for this purpose, and, moreover, because farms tend to be located in rural areas far from energy production plants. In Spain, despite being a country with enormous potential for this renewable energy source, little is being done to exploit it, and policies of recent years have even restricted its implementation. These factors constitute an obstacle, both for achieving environmental commitments and for socioeconomic development. This study proposes the installation of PV systems on greenhouses in southeast Spain, the location with the highest concentration of greenhouses in Europe. Following a sensitivity analysis, it is estimated that the utilization of this technology in the self-consumption scenario at farm level produces increased profitability for farms, which can range from 0.88% (worst scenario) to 52.78% (most favorable scenario). Regarding the Spanish environmental policy, the results obtained demonstrate that the impact of applying this technology mounted on greenhouses would bring the country 38% closer to reaching the 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) target. Furthermore, it would make it possible to nearly achieve the official commitment of 20% renewable energies by 2020. Additionally, it would have considerable effects on the regional socioeconomy, with increases in job creation and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP)/R&D (Research and Development), allowing greater profitability in agrifood activities throughout the entire region

    Management System for Harvest Scheduling: The Case of Horticultural Production in Southeast Spain

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    This article analyzes the programming of farm production, understood not only as the choice among several crops, but also as their temporal distribution. The empirical study takes as a reference the horticultural sector in southeast Spain, since this area constitutes the highest concentration of small-scale farm production in Europe, where the climatic conditions allow the possibility of several harvests in year-round production, as well as several alternative crops. Firstly, we study the production programming for an individual farmer, under the assumption that their decisions do not affect the balance of market prices. In this case a modified Markowitz model is used for the scheduling of crop marketing. Secondly, we study the sales arrangements for a farming-marketing cooperative, under the assumption that their sales volume is such that the entity is capable of altering the market balance. A model of monthly revenues and margins is proposed, and the results show a clear improvement in both margins and revenues if the harvest is programmed in this way

    Retail price rigidity in perishable food products: a case study

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    Why are retailers less likely to vary sale prices of food products when the price paid to the farmer falls than when it rises? As far as perishable goods are concerned, this behavior is usually related to the retailer’s bargaining power. With a view to analyzing the question in greater depth, this study presents a simplified framework considering an ideal scenario in which the retailer wishes to maintain balanced profits due to external pressures or other factors, such as a competitive distribution market. In the face of changing supply, the price-fixing decision of the distributor may also depend on the risk, measured by the relationship between demand elasticity and variable costs, as a result of uncertainty in consumer response to price variations. The simulation of these scenarios is carried out taking as reference the Spanish tomato market. The results of these applications allow to see that despite a relaxation of bargaining power, price asymmetry is not avoided. This work shows the difficulty for suppliers and retailers to reach agreements which could result in competitive advantages